"Welcome the new era of issue tracking software, because it's based on semantic data storage." ©R. Nixon
Absence Management
Absence Management has always been self explanatory but with the advent of new legislation for Working Time Directive (WTD) and National Minimum Wage (NMW). This module has been extended to record and report information for WTD for salaried staff and normal weekly paid staff, using a rolling 17 week average. For those who work variable shifts, night workers, casual and employees who have additional employment under WTD will need the new WTD Module.
NMW will for hourly paid staff are catered for within the Absence Management module, if you have Salaried staff there are new rules within NMW which can only be handled in the new WTD module.
Please be advised that accurate and detailed records need to be kept for WTD and NMW for all staff, and actual hours have to be kept under different rules for WTD and NMW.
Absence Management will cater for:
- Company Sick and Maternity Pay Schemes
- User defined absence codes – recording and analysis
- Patterned absences
- Reason messages against absence codes
- Hold individual employees who have ‘opted out’ of the 48 hour limit
- Calculate average hours on a basis of weeks
- Mark additional absence days to be included in the reference period
- Record holiday entitlement and time taken
- Record all relevant data for a minimum of 2 years
- Indicate weeks worked during a multiple pay period
- Flag if workers are adolescent or on an approved training scheme for NMW.
- Minimum wage control for hourly paid staff
- Standard exception reports for WTD and NMW to warn when approaching limits.